Living Forward, A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want
Living forward subtitle a proven plan to stop drifting and get the life you want is a latest bestselling work life balance in business related pdf book authorized by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy. It starts with the saying of —John Pierpont “J.P.” Morgan “The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are”. We call it a wakeup call, according to the author, we have a choice to lead our life, so to lead it with the natural God gifted potential we have to make some plans. To reach the highest level in any field of life living forward provides a step-by-step guide to proven principles to create an effective life plan.
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Table of Contents of Living Forward
Living forward, a proven plan to stop drifting and get the life you want consists of 10 chapters. Here is the complete list of contents.
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